Powder Coatings

To us, Process Solutions means to offer the best solution tailored to the customer’s needs. In our main market Powder Coatings we support you with our years of experience and expertise of our engineers.

BBA INNOVA can access a broad and fully developed portfolio. A variety of BBACooler types for different throughputs and high dependability of our equipment offer you a wide range of solutions.

Process Solutions for the Powder Coatings industry

Contact person

IMG_1408 hj 2 neu
Hans-Jürgen Schmotzer

E-Mail: hjs@bba-innova.com
Phone: +41 (0)62 836 99 57


  • Consulting

    We will provide you with detailed and extensive advice covering all aspects of product cooling.

  • Engineering

    We engineer in dimensions of just a few microns of surface roughness for special machine parts up to several metres if space saving by means of compact design is required in the material flow planning.

  • Service & Support

    BBA INNOVA is an internationally operating company and present in over 60 countries. Our customers not only purchase our technology but also receive our best possible service at the same time.

  • Rental

    We rent our equipment to you. Customer trials in our Technical Center or at site at the customer are possible. Materials can be processed under real production environment conditions.